The Problem
The Standard for building is on-site construction, nicknamed stick builds, meaning materials are brought to the site where building occurs. Due to inefficiencies like overproduction and human error this leads to waste. Furthermore the vast majority of on-site builds use non-renewable, and/or raw materials. Construction makes up half of all non-renewable resources we consume. This unsustainable standard for construction needs to be abandoned because it produces massive amounts of waste and carbon emissions greatly contributing to climate change. Up to 15% of materials being hauled to the construction sites are not used, for a multiple of reasons such as weather damage, theft, over buying, or building errors. To read more click here.
The Solution
Structured Green is a tool used to help find builders, primarily custom home clients, find prefab architects and architecture firms. Prefab homes support a greener life style, while saving the builder money. Structured Green uses a selection tool giving clients the power to find the exact parameters they’d like in their new home, and sets them up with contractors who can fulfill their needs.
Once the future builders buy their land, the land realtor leads them to Structured Green. It makes for the perfect place for interception as the new land owners are at a point of happiness, and ready to make their next step toward building.
The Website
This is a fictitious project, to challenge myself to find/design a call to action, and a tool to solve a world problem. In this case the negative effects of construction.